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  • Writer's pictureBro. Caleb Taft

Morning Manna | Psalms 130:4 | There is forgivness with thee

This Psalm has been labeled a "penitent Pslam" meaning this was a cry of repentance. It is a prayer but in the first verse he says "Out of the depths have I cried unto thee." So many times our prayers are cries, especially when under the load of our sin we "Cry from the depths." I am thankful that, although God is the King of the universe we can fall before him with our cries. No need for showmanship or niceties. We can, and should, come boldly before the throne of grace to obtain help. As Peter was sinking he had no time to prepare and recite his prayer before offering it to Jesus, he simply cried "Save me," it was accepted and met with the help asked for.

The first 3 verses are painted with heavy tones. It seems that David is thinking of his sinfulness, "If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?" I believe we can safely assume that it is his sinfulness that has driven him to these depths that he is crying from and it seems to be all that is in view. Often I have come to him in the same manner, heavily laden with my sins. They have dragged me down to the depths of despair and from there, we cry out. We call on him once again and yet we can't help but see anything but the hideousness of our actions and even our nature. That is until we are reminded why we called on him in the first place.

"But there is forgiveness with thee." Why would a man run to the God they have wronged over and over? Wouldn't it make more sense to run away from the one we have wrong? Isn't that our nature, to run away? That's what Adam and Eve did, that's what we have all done at points and that is what countless millions do even today, We run away from God because we sin, We curse him, we forsake him, we forget all his goodnesses and take all of them for granite. Then there is a group that hasn't run away but instead has run to him with our sins. Why, you ask. Because with him there is forgiveness. Don't run away from God with your sins, run to him with your sins! If he took in harlots and publicans and thieves and murders which one of you will he not take in? I read of a man in one of DL Moody's meetings, he told one of the Chritian's in the meeting that he wanted to come to Christ but he was still chained. The Christian man replied, why don't you come, chain and all? What keeps you from coming to him? Crying to him from the depths? is it your sin? That is precisely why you should call on him, because the very thing pressing you down to the depths of despair and eventually to hell is the very thing he came to take away, "I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance," "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I WILL give you rest."

Why does he forgive? There are many answers to this question. His love for mankind, through what Jesus did on the cross, even for his glory would all be true answers but our verse today shows us another. "That thouest may be feared" that is revered. He forgives so that men will revere him, fear him, so that men know that there is forgiveness, and forsaking God will not mean forsaking a God that hates them, but forsaking a God that loves them. The judgment on sinners will be all the worse because they spurned a God that loved them and planned for their redemption and gave his Son to be a propitiation for their sins, not a God that hated them and planned for their demise. He came down, dwelled in human flesh, was tempted in all points such as you are, endured every hurt a man ever could and died in our place on the cross of Calvary. That is what you are turning away from, you are not turning away from a God that has turned away from you but you are turning away from A God whose hands and heart are outstretched toward you, "The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance."

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." The best definition of wisdom is "Wisdom is knowledge in action." Won't you be wise and come to him? You know he'll forgive, There are endless promises in his word that he will, there are countless testimonies of his forgiveness. Look to Jesus, who used his dying breath to utter "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." You know there is forgiveness with him, so be wise and cry to him from the depths of your sin. Come chain and all. If you won't you will meet a Christless, Godless eternity, where there is no forgiveness extended. The rich man in hell prayed and cried and repented and 2000 years later I suspect he is still praying and repenting but all to no avail, there is no forgiveness in hell, for there is no God to forgive in hell. Dear reader, if you are lost and don't know the saviour, I want you to know this "There is forgiveness with him" Therefore fear him and come to him so that you may obtain it. Like Peter, simply cry from the depths "Save ME!" I believe he will. Dear Christian, There is something you already know about him but you need to be reminded of, "There is forgiveness with him." Have you like Peter denied him and cursed, Have you gone back to business as usual? Cry to him from the depths "He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

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